Friday, April 24, 2015

Tell Your Representatives to Support the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill

Tell Your Representatives to Support the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill

Our goal is to support the IL Clean Jobs Bill - 32k jobs, 35% renewable energy

Why This Matters

Your support can help energy policy take center stage in Illinois in 2015, presenting an opportunity for lawmakers to not just make do with the old ways of generating electricity but build an innovative, diverse, and clean electricity system that costs less, delivers reliable power and creates thousands of good paying jobs. The Illinois Clean Jobs Bill, SB1485/HB2607, will bring 20% energy efficiency, and a 35% renewable energy standard. At the same time, we can generate an estimated 32,000 new jobs per year in Illinois. That's on top of the 100,000 clean energy jobs in Illinois today.

But we can’t do it without the support of advocates like you—neighbors, families, and activists who want to help Illinois lower carbon pollution, lower electricity costs, and leave Illinois a better place for our children and grandchildren. 

Tell your senators and representatives to sign on to the Clean Jobs Bill, then join us in Springfield for the Climate Rally on Earth Day, April 22nd! 


 Source: Read More: Get Active! TAKE ACTION:

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